Being a four-year member of the music department, I have learned the importance of integrity, humility, and maturity. The band has become my second family, and any student would be lucky to further their music education. – Tenor Saxophone, Senior
I was forced into band by my mom, but after the first week I began to enjoy it. Band is a great way to make lots of new friends and learn about music. – Trumpet, Sophomore When I joined my freshman year, it felt great to know that I already had friends before the first week of school. – Clarinet, Senior Join band! Not only for the experience of playing a musical instrument, but also the feeling of being part of a team. In band, you won’t feel left out because everybody works together to produce a single sound. Not only that, but you start to build friendships and connections that will last a lifetime. – Trombone, Junior When I joined band, I felt so welcomed into a group that I can go to for mental, academic, and social support. – Euphonium & Trumpet, Freshman One of the best and most unique experiences anyone will participate in. – Flute, Junior You will meet some of the most amazing and nicest people in the world and bond with them through music. – Viola, Sophomore The reason you should join band is because it helped me come out of my shell. I met and made friends with a lot of new people who helped me grow as a person and player. – French Horn, Sophomore The program emphasizes the ideals of dedication, discipline, and desire; we promote excellence inside and outside the band room. Joining the Norwalk HS Music Department presents a gateway of opportunities to make friends, to love and appreciate music, and to have fun. Being in the band helped me ease the transition into high school as it allowed me to be more open with my peers. – Baritone Sax, Senior |
I entered band my sophomore year and it was the best decision of my life. It taught me three principle values, Discipline, Dedication, and Desire. It helped me become a better person. – Flute, Senior
Joining orchestra is a great decision. The people you will meet may become some of your best friends. Making music with a group of people can make an especially tight bond. – Viola, Sophomore Joining band is one thing I don’t regret. It allowed me to venture out of my comfort zone, form unbreakable bonds, establish a love for music, and join a family that will never let me down. – Clarinet, Freshman Not only does the music department teach you new skills, but it teaches you about leadership, communication, and dedication. It’s also a fantastic way to make lifelong friends. – Violin & Percussion, Senior You should join orchestra because it’s a program where you make new friends, learn so much, and have fun! – Violin, Junior Because of the involvement and dedication that the upper classmen and teachers have, I was able to understand music and the importance of it in my life. – Violin, Freshman 8th graders should join the music program at Norwalk, because it really is a fun and enjoyable experience. When I joined my freshman year, I thought band was just going to another class, but it was not. When I am in band, I feel like a different person with a bunch of people that make me feel special. – Trumpet & Horn, Sophomore My initial thought of joining band was simply play my instrument and enjoy it, but in addition I got a family, which I can talk to, role models, personal tutor, advice giver, and people I can trust whom I call my second family. It is my best decision thus far. – Clarinet, Freshman The high school band is not like middle school or elementary school band. There are more opportunities to perform instrumental music than ever before, marching parades or performing at festivals and concerts. The NHS Instrumental Music Department offers these opportunities, plus many more! While it may seem daunting at first, you will feel right at home once you join the band family because of the exceptional support and mentorship you will receive from your peers, leaders, and directors. – Trumpet, Senior |